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Big News!!!

12 Jun 2019 8:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

****************************************************CALL TO ACTION*******************************************

We mentioned that we had some big news last week, so here it is! Last week marked the start of a new era. A new legacy if you will. TORCA Directors met with the Coronado National Forest District Ranger, Wildlife Biologist, Trails Coordinator and Partnership Coordinator to discuss the the future of trails on the Catalina Ranger District (Mt. Lemmon). TORCA has now been working on the the Catalina Ranger District for the better part of 9 years and has shown the CNF that we are valuable partners and good stewards of our public lands. It's the actions of this organization that has put us in the position for the first time in 30+ years, to ask for new trail opportunities. Last week, TORCA presented 16 new trail opportunities to the FS staff and the process is under way. In no way will this be a quick process and we are not guaranteed anything but the Forest Service is acting in good faith and we have the support of the District Ranger and staff. There are a few reasons for our wanting new trails. For starters, there has not been a new trail constructed with Mountain Bikes in mind... EVER! While these will mostly be multi-use trails, we'd like to have a seat at the table when developing trails. In addition, we think that with a growing populace of outdoor enthusiasts and growing participation in our great sport, there will undoubtedly be trail conflicts and we are starting to see those complaints to the Forest Service. Having more opportunities will disperse usage among more trails and hopefully help us as a community, "get out in front of" this possibility for more trail conflicts. Furthermore, we don't have a place to call "our own" where we can let it all hangout without worry of trail conflicts, so it is our hope to have some purpose built, one way mtb specific opportunities.

BUT, yes there is a BUT. We have a few asks from YOU the Mountain Bike community. For the better part of TORCA'S existence, the vast majority of trail maintenance has been done by the board of directors with a couple of handfuls of volunteers and members at large. We want to thank those who laid the ground work for us to be at the juncture. We could not be where we are today without your help! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Now for some real talk. The proposition of new trails will not happen without more engagement from the mtb community. Tucson boasts a huge mtb community but build/work days have been scant and we think other trail organizations in Tucson would agree that we haven't reached our potential as it relates to volunteerism and participation.

This is where YOU come in. It's never been more important for YOU to get involved and be a part of something really special. We're super proud of what we have in Tucson but in true TORCA fashion, we're not resting on our laurels and we think we can make Tucson riding even better. But this depends on YOU! The more volunteers we get, the faster we get trails AND we can keep up with the Forest Service backlog on trail maintenance. But one thing is for certain, the stakes just got higher. We are looking for people to commit and get involved as trail workers and volunteers, and then trail workers and volunteers. Yeah, we said it twice for a reason (we could also use some help with Website and social media content and Membership coordinator if you happen to be good at that sort of thing). This call to action is not just exclusive to mtbers even though TORCA will be at the tip of the spear for a comprehensive trails plan. Mtbers are under the microscope by the Forest Service so we need to make sure we are being the best examples of mtbers that we can be at all times! This means that we should be courteous and friendly to all trail users, respect the "right of way" and last but not least, cease any and all illegal and/or unsanctioned trail building. This type of unsanctioned building has been brought to our attention by the FS and it works against us and our long standing track record of doing the right thing.

In closing, please share this with your friends who enjoy the outdoors even if they aren't mtbers. #ittakesavillage If you think you have some skills to bring to the table, let us know by coming to a board meeting (next one tomorrow night at Risky Business, Tanque Verde at 630pm. Come out, get involved, and help us make Tucson an even better place for everyone. We love feedback but we're not looking for that now. We're looking for people who are passionate, committed and ready to roll up their sleeves and get to WORK to make a difference for the outdoor community. "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" need not apply. TORCA has earned a seat at the table with the Forest Service and suffice it to say we have "earned our turns" so to speak and it's paying off. With that, look for our new trail t-shirt coming soon with that very mantra. #earnyourturns

My door is always open so feel free to reach out anytime with questions.

Game Time!
Tara Alcantara
TORCA President

Arizona Trail Association Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists Sustainable Trails Coalition Trail Riders of Southern Arizona #tucsontrailrunnersMichael Duer John Mollenhour Bell Joy Ride - Tucson, AZ @National Interscholastic Cycling Association El Grupo Youth Cycling

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