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TORCA's Stance on the 2022 Coronado National Forest Trails Plan

16 Nov 2022 5:49 PM | TORCA INC (Administrator)


This year is the 10th anniversary of TORCA’s inception. After a decade of working and reopening trails, volunteering with the Coronado National Forest Service, coordinating events, educating, fundraising, being AZT stewards, and advocating for the mountain we all know and love, we are on the cusp of achieving something we've sought to do since the very beginning: Bring new trails to the mountain. 

This trails plan is a huge step forward toward supporting an outdoor community that has grown exponentially in recent years and is guaranteed to only continue its growth. We realize that it may not be as full and all-encompassing as many would hope for nor does it include everything we have proposed over the years. Nevertheless, it is ambitious, inclusive, and desperately needed, as nothing substantial has happened in the Santa Catalinas in at least 20 years. However, many projects and suggestions we've submitted have been included in one variation or another, and it is our hope that they will help set up the mountain for future successes. Included are our thoughts on the plan as it sits and what we agree with (or hope to change) to streamline the process and to improve the overall plan for all users. The Coronado National Forest office has been very open to working with TORCA as a partner during this comment period. They have been committed to listening to and helping with implementing our suggestions on this draft, so we can refine it before the final version is submitted.

We HIGHLY encourage you to offer your opinions during this comment period, whether good or bad, as this will possibly be the last time for public input into this plan. The squeakiest wheels get the grease, and mountain bikers were overwhelmingly the loudest voices of the previous comment period. Please pass this forward to everyone you know who uses the mountain or may use it in the future as this will affect everyone. 

Feedback can be submitted by email to

Thank you all, and we can't wait to get digging!

TORCA's Stance on the 2022 CNF Trails Plan.docx

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